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Triboelectric Sensors Set to Play a Role in Next-Gen Wearables

A group of inventive engineers from NC State University recently unveiled a triboelectric embroidery-based sensor that could revolutionize how you interact with the world. This creation is far more than a remote sewn into your favorite sweater. The researchers managed to make a seamless control system woven into fabric in a manner that makes it unnoticeable to the wearer.

Imagine walking up to your new car and using your t-shirt to unlock the vehicle and start it based on hand gestures. This tech may sound futuristic today, but thanks to developments made by these engineers, it’s already possible. Here’s why this development could have a major impact on your life.

Wearable Electronics

To understand the importance of the researchers’ work, it’s vital to look at the wearables market and its evolution. Ever since the first electronics and phones, creatives have dreamed of clothing infused with futuristic tech. Think of 70’s Star Trek members tapping their communicator on their chest and speaking with the ship’s bridge. Even today, the market is thriving, with simple designs like integrated phone chargers and Bluetooth speakers becoming more regular.

Source – ZEROi Smarthat

Exponential Growth Potential

Today, the market is regarded as a fast-growing sector within the tech industry. A report published by researchers from Markets and Markets revealed the global wearable technology market size is projected to reach $265.4B by 2026. The data showed that the market was expanding at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 18.0% and had grown as fast as 45% during 2021 – 2022.

Clothing Evolved

There are many subsections within the wearables market. The one that these researchers decided to focus on was the Smart textiles industry. They sought to meld textiles with electronics in a way that made the integration unnoticeable to the wearer in terms of look and feel. However, the wearer could enjoy added functionality.

Textile-based human-machine interfaces transform parts of your clothing into controls. Imagine swiping your sweater to answer your phone or touching your hat to turn on a light. All of these options and much more are possible using fabric sensors. Here’s how researchers succeeded in making clothes clickable.

Challenges Engineers Faced

The team had to overcome many challenges to make the fabric clickable. For one, the normal methods of embroidering fabrics are usually based on 2d designs. As such, they were not conducive to supporting a sensor that required gaps between contacts.

Triboelectric Sensor

Triboelectric Sensor

In order to overcome this limitation, the team created a new yarn. The team found that polyvinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene (PVDF-TrFE) nano-microfiber-wrapped conductive yarn and polyurethane (PU)-coated polyester-copper yarn held enough to keep the sensor contacts separated without altering the feel of flexibility of the fabric.

Inaccurate Sensors

Inaccurate sensors are a major issue for wearables. The day-to-day activities and durability requirements of these devices make them prone to failure and false triggers. False gestures and other miscommunications are common when the sensor integration is always within reach. Also, environmental factors could cause a sensor to provide faulty readings or false contacts.

To prevent false sensor triggers, the research team decided to gap the button’s oppositely charged layers using a spacer. This approach helped make the sensitivity controllable. It also allowed researchers to conduct tests at different gap distances to see the optimal arrangement.

Triboelectric Design Phase

The device is made up of triboelectric nanogenerator-based sensors that consist of two oppositely charged layers. This structure, combined with the yarn they created, provides a reliable and soft-to-the-touch sensor that retains the comfort of a normal fabric.

AI Integration

The sensor has a microchip that’s sole purpose is to decipher data inputs from the sensor. This microchip has an integrated AI protocol that leverages advanced machine learning algorithms. This AI model was created specifically to prevent false activations and misreading of gestures. It enables the device to register actions like swiping.

The AI model improves the performance and functionality of the device considerably. It also enables developers to program a range of instructions over a variety of gestures. As such, the device becomes better at recognizing gestures and commands and disregarding false activations with more use.

Benefits of the New Fabric Sensor

The sensor introduces a host of benefits that make it an ideal option for use in wearables and other use-case scenarios. The ability to transform clothing into a controller unlocks endless options in terms of fashion, interacting with daily devices, and much more. It also opens the door for more integration into smart city environments.

Imagine your clothing communicating with the world around you. This technology could make it possible to one day change channels by pressing your couch or play your favorite song by tapping your hat brim. It could also enable doctors to be more responsive or soldiers to remain in contact with others. The benefits of this technology continue to stand out.


These sensors are tiny and can help to advance multiple sectors such as robotics, aerospace, and marine exploration. The lightweight and flexible nature of these devices makes them ideal for use in non-conforming robots as well. Non-conforming robots are robots that don’t have a rigid structure. They are useful when you need a robot that can adjust to fit through cracks and crevices.

Triboelectric Power

One of the premier benefits of the triboelectric sensor is that it self-charges. Triboelectric sensors are known for their simplistic designs and sensitivity, making them ideal for this use. These sensors use static charge during movement between the layers to remain powered. As such, they never need to be recharged.

Versatile Use

The versatility of this new sensor layout can’t be ignored. The added consistency and ability to recognize different kinds of inputs make the project a huge success. Additionally, the customization options put the researcher’s creation in a class of its own.

NC State University Engineers

The team behind the project consisted of Yu Chen, Yali Ling, Yiduo Yang, Zihao Wang, Yang Liu, Wei Gao, Bao Yang, Xiaoming Tao, and Rong Yin. The research, development, and testing were hosted at NC State University. Now, the team seeks to further their research into triboelectric-based textile sensors and drive wearable adoption forward.

Testing Phase

Project testing demonstrated the flexibility and potential of the development. To test the project the researchers created a custom music player that accepted BT inputs. The player was designed specifically to accept fixed core functions that were connected to correlating gestures in the sensor.

The engineers were able to play, pause, skip tracks, and adjust the volume using the sensor. The results proved the concept was viable. Additionally, it yielded better results than expected. The engineers were able to use the device to play games and even input passwords when required. Now, interest has peaked in this research due to its potential applications.

Potential Applications

There are many applications for this technology. Textile sensors can lower weight, improve responsiveness, and provide valuable sensor feedback when needed. Consequently, the concept of having wearable controllers has the potential to revolutionize many industries.


Healthcare is one of the sectors that could use this technology to provide better service. Many patients must wear monitoring equipment and need to have some sort of alert mechanism by their side. The introduction of textile-based sensors could enable these individuals to navigate their day with more freedom.

Additionally, these systems could be used by medical professionals. Some systems can request certain items or make alerts when needed.  Patients could wear gowns that provide vital stats on their health or movement. Additionally, when combined with RF and IoT sensors and other options, this tech opens the door to a new level of patient monitoring capabilities.


The sports industry is another market that could use this technology to improve its offerings. There has already been a steady integration of sensors into large sports leagues to improve referee calling and other vital aspects of gameplay. Now, these lightweight sensors could enable enhanced athlete monitoring capabilities.


The fashion industry has long been at the forefront of wearable technology. Many attempts to create useful wearables failed simply because they weren’t fashionable or comfortable. The introduction of triboelectric-powered textile sensors changes the game and enables designers to seamlessly integrate tech into their creations.


Military applications for this technology continue to arise. Already there are discussions on using the technology to add drone controls to soldiers’ uniforms alongside a plethora of other sensors. The soldier of the future will weigh less but be able to accomplish many times more than their predecessor.

The military could use this technology for verification systems such as passwords and ID verification as well. You could see soldiers walking to a gate and a sensor pulling up their ID and them verifying it by tapping a sensor on their uniform. They could even add additional information or navigate a complex menu with nothing other than their clothing.

Companies that Could Benefit from this Tech

The wearable market continues to heat up. You are probably aware of the main competitors such as Apple, Microsoft, and Fitbit. These firms have long offered wearable technology in the form of watches or other items with sensors to monitor aspects of your health. Here are some other companies making moves in the wearables market.

Augmedix finviz dynamic chart for  AUGX

Augmedix is an AI-powered care provider. The company integrates wearable technology to help ambulance drivers connect with other healthcare reactions when needed. The device connects all professionals with the clinic when needed.

Augmedix was founded in 2022 to help relieve inefficiencies in the healthcare sector and drive better care processes. The network currently offers a spectrum of helpful devices including digitization of natural clinician-patient conversations. This approach enables these conversations to be added in real-time as helpful medical data.

UA HealthBox

UA HealthBox is a fitness monitoring app designed to help users measure their progress and wellness. The program is backed by the once-in-a-time smartphone manufacturer HTC. The firm took its many years of processing development and has focused it on creating powerful wearables with success.

The Future of Wearables is Bright

Advancements in wearable tech are coming fast. Already, solar-powered and self-powered wearable items are prepared to enter the market in mass. These sustainable options will integrate AI solutions to provide a new level of interactivity with your digital environment. Additionally, this tech can combine with AR and VR to create a seamless melding of the digital and real worlds.

Decentralized AI is the Future of Wearables

AI systems, like other Web2 applications, have begun to migrate to Web3 formats. These new decentralized AI ecosystems can gather more data from network nodes in real time. As such, they are better suited to help create large models for wearables in the future.

It’s one thing when your AI wearable helps monitor your health. It’s another story when it uses data from all other users to recognize health patterns in regions and other crucial statistics that would help identify risks earlier. Best of all, these devices are increasingly created to be self-powered, making them a sustainable alternative.

The Triboelectric Sensor Marks a Milestone in Wearables Tech

Until recently, most wearables were watches, rings, or other items that could support a stiff and large processing board or controller. Thanks to the creativity and ingenuity of these NC State University engineers, your clothes may become much more useful in the future. At the very least, next-gen wearables will enhance your interactions and open the door for a fashion/tech revolution.

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